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Interwar Years Project: 1939 World’s Fair: Home

1939 New York World's Fair

Scenes from the 1939 World’s Fair

For this project, you are not 10th grade history students at Friends Central, but members of the World’s Fair Corporation for a specific country. Your task is as follows:

  1. Examine 8-10 primary sources (2-3 per category) related to Arts & Culture, News & Print Media, and Politics & Trade from the Interwar Period (1918-1938) for your country

  2. Write an annotated bibliography for each source

  3. Develop an artifact based on your research to present at the Friends’ Central 1939 World’s Fair

  4. Write a 2-3 paragraph justification  statement explaining your artifact with an annotated bibliography

  5. Submit an individual reflection on the group work process and what you learned

Primary Sources

Arts & Culture:

Politics & Trade:

News & Print Media

Use the Blackburn Library Website to examine the New York Times and the London Times. Conduct a search for the nation of interest within the dates 1918-1938. You may want to refine your search based on some of your other sources.

ProQuest Remote Access

Click here to see how to access ProQuest from home.

Times Digital Archive Remote Access

User Access Instructions:

To access off-campus, use the password: school


Annotated Bibliography Resource